Equality of Opportunity


The East Melbourne Group (“the EMG”) recognizes that equality of opportunity is a responsibility above and beyond compliance with anti discrimination laws but also in accordance with their underlying principles of inclusion, mutual respect and dignity for all. This is not only an employment obligation, but a just and social expectation.

EMG also recognises that preventing discriminatory behaviour is good practice and builds social capital.


This policy is designed to ensure that the EMG complies with all of its obligations under the relevant legislation and its purpose, to include everyone who lives or works in East Melbourne who wishes to become a member, on terms of equality. This policy has been designed to help create and maintain a culture that maximises the effectiveness of the EMG’s activities and this purpose.


Discrimination means treating an individual unfavourably because they have a particular attribute such as a particular age, disability or gender, or they associate with someone with a protected attribute. It can also mean imposing a condition or requirement on such a person that they cannot reasonable be expected to comply with, because of a protected attribute.

Victimisation happens where a member or employee is treated harshly or subjected to any detriment because they have raised an issue about discrimination or harassment, or furnished any information or evidence in connection with a discrimination or harassment matter.


The East Melbourne Group will not condone, and regards as unfair, all forms of unlawful discrimination or victimisation, including that which relates to the following protected characteristics:

  • disability or impairment;
  • gender;
  • pregnancy;
  • potential pregnancy;
  • marital status;
  • race, colour, national extraction, social origin, descent, and ethnic, ethno-religious or national origin;
  • age;
  • family responsibilities, family status, status as a parent or carer;
  • sexuality, including sexual identity and trans-gender status;
  • religious belief or activity;
  • political belief or activity;
  • industrial or employer association activity;
  • physical features;
  • breastfeeding;
  • profession, trade, occupation or calling;
  • medical record; or
  • criminal record.

This also includes protection of the interests of a person who associates with a person with such a characteristic.

The policy also applies to discriminatory harassment. “discriminatory harassment” is unwanted conduct related to a protected attribute which makes a person feel threatened, insulted or humiliated, and which a reasonable person would have anticipated would be likely to have that effect.

Specific application of the policy

The East Melbourne Group will seek to comply with the principles underlying the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act in the following particular ways

(a) in planning improvements for and maintenance of any premises it may occupy, rent or purchase, seek professional advice and use its best endeavours to ensure that the relevant property facilities and services are accessible to people with disabilities. This may include for example, enabling or providing accessibility aids at such premises or facilities, and requesting the owner of the premises to modify them so that they comply with the Act, unless such would impose an injustifiable hardship on the EMG.

(b) make provision for the pre-approved attendance, at no cost, and their having accepted the EMG’s expectations of, an appropriately qualified, nominated carer for any member who has a disability, providing that such member has the right to attend a meeting of or other function organized by the EMG.

(c) always take into consideration the needs of any member who makes known their need for reasonable accommodation of their protected characteristic so that they may participate in the activities of the EMG on terms of equality having regard to those characteristics (for example, setting meetings times and premises)

(d) protect members from harassment or bullying (as defined in theWorkSafe Victoria or Australian WorkSafe Guidelines as amended or substituted from time to time) by any person participating in its activities and meetings or using its facilities.

Phone: 03 9415 7570
Fax: 03 9415 7570
East Melbourne 3002
152 Powlett Street