
A committee is elected annually to set directions and make decisions on behalf of members, and is supported by a network of seven sub-committees, and other members who volunteer their time for particular activities.

The 2024-2025 Committee is:

Committee Executives

President:            Greg Bisinella
Vice-President:  Greg Watson

Secretary:           Greg Watson
Treasurer:           Tristan Creed

Other Committee Members

Deborah Brown, Shelley Faubel, Bill Gillies, Anne Graham, Krystyn Henrickson, Luke Martin, Ian Mitchell, Zipporah Szalay, Andrew Walpole, Hazel Westbury

The current sub-committees and their 2024 Convenors are:

  • Amenities                            Anne Graham
  • Communications             Andrew Walpole
  • Finance & Governance  Zipporah Szalay
  • Heritage & Planning      Greg Bisinella
  • Membership                     Krystyn Hendrickson
  • Parks & Gardens             Luke Martin
  • Social                                   Deborah Brown

Committee meetings are held monthly.  Sub-committees generally also meet monthly.

The EMG office is located at ‘The Hut’, which is the red brick building on the corner of Albert and Powlett Streets, in Powlett Reserve.

The committee can be contacted either by direct email or to

Sub Committee Functions

Each Sub-committee has a convenor, who is a member of the main EMG committee.

Other members are from the main EMG committee and the wider EMG membership. The  sub-committees  advise the main EMG committee (Unless there has been a specific delegation of authority subcommittees do not make EMG decisions).


The Amenities Sub-committee considers issues that affect residential amenity including:

  • traffic
  • parking
  • waste management
  • street and footpath cleaning and maintenance
  • graffiti management
  • liquor licensing
  • rates.


The Communications sub-committee:

  • ensures members are kept up-to-date with developments in East Melbourne and the activities of the EMG
  • ensures our website and social media is kept up-to date
  • advises on other means of communicating with members or the wider community.

Heritage & Planning

The Heritage & Planning Sub-committee considers and advises the EMG on development proposals and their likely impact on the heritage and amenity of East Melbourne and Jolimont. It recommends, in accordance with EMG policy whether objections or appeals should be made to proposals or planning decisions. It also advises on broader planning and heritage policies and issues that affect East Melbourne and Jolimont.

Parks & Gardens

The Parks & Gardens Sub-committee considers issues relating to:

  • public parks, gardens and reserves in East Melbourne and Jolimont (Yarra Park, Fitzroy Gardens, Treasury Gardens, Powlett Reserve, Darling Square, etc.)
  • plantings in streets including roundabouts, median strips and footpaths


The Social Sub-committee plans social and fundraising gatherings for members of the EMG and the wider East Melbourne & Jolimont community.


The Membership Sub-committee works to increase EMG membership, to diversify its composition and to ensure its views and interests are made known to the committee, so as to ensure we can effectively represent the community as a whole, and have the financial strength to do so.

Finance & Governance

The Finance and Governance Sub-committee considers:

  • financial management
  • governance, including proposed changes to EMG rules or guidelines
  • means of achieving cost savings and raising revenue

Former Committee executive members (1953- ) are listed here.

Phone: 03 9415 7570
Fax: 03 9415 7570
East Melbourne 3002
152 Powlett Street